Doctoral Schools WUT

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# Obszar badawczy
niezawodność i eksploatacja systemów telematyki transportu, telematyka, transport, bezpieczeństwo, ITS More
Mid-field shelterbelts are an important element of agricultural production space and rural landscape, determining their resilience to climate change (in particular to the phenomenon of drought). As part of the work, diversification of the spatial structure of mid-field trees in agricultural product… More
The area of ​​scientific activity covers the study of the possibility of using combustion by-products, in particular fly ashes from fluidized bed combustion of coal in building materials such as mass concrete, hydrotechnical concrete, hardening slurries. Testing the properties of a clinker-free bin… More
research on a physical model and building models for numerical analysis in the field of: 1. transient phenomena in a single-phase flow (liquid), i.e. water hammer, interaction of the fluid with the walls of the conduit (FSI), dynamic phenomena; 2.two-phase flows (liquid-gas) - observation of the … More
Metody zastosowania współczesnych baz danych w modelowaniu oraz projektowaniu systemów informatycznych w transporcie, analiza oraz modelowanie układów zasilania pojazdów elektrycznych, modelowanie procesów obsługi ładowania pojazdów elektrycznych w komunikacji miejskiej, modelowanie ruchu pojazdów … More
logistyka, technologia transportu, transport, optymalizacja, logistyka, technologia magazynowania More
Mathematical modeling and simulation studies of thermodynamic-flow processes occurring in motor vehicles (internal combustion engines, braking systems), for example: flow processes in the piston-rings-cylinder system of an internal combustion engine, heat transfer process in car brakes (calculation… More
Heat and mass exchange between a human body and environment, an influence of a human body on the parameters of the indoor environment; analysis of indoor environmental conditions in terms of users comfort and buildings energy consumption; human body thermoregulation including inter-subject variabil… More
The main research area is the aspects of hydraulics of transport systems, with particular emphasis on water supply and sewage networks. Research interests concern transient motion (water hammer) and the influence of the type of the transported medium on the mechanical parameters of the conduit wall… More
sterowanie ruchem lotniczym, inżynieria transportu lotniczego, modelowanie procesów ruchu lotniczego, ocena procesów ruchu lotniczego, transport, modelowanie More
The research area is related to the control, identification and management of thermal processes in the area of Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, with particular emphasis on Heating & Air Conditioning systems. The test applied research methods used include experimental rese… More
Optimizing spatial analysis using geospatial data cyberinfrastructure The proposed research aims to search for optimal structures of geospatial databases and other geoinformatics solutions to increase the efficiency and scale of spatial analysis. Cyberinfrastructure of geospatial data is an adva… More
modelowanie procesów i systemów transportowych, modelowanie systemów transportu intermodalnego, wielokryterialne wspomaganie decyzji w transporcie i logistyce, eksploatacja środków transportu, kształtowanie systemów przewozowych transportu niskoemisyjnego, logistyka More
Research in the area of supply chain management (SC): flexibility and resilience of SC to internal phenomena and global disruption (natural disasters, wars, diseases, sanctions), management and shaping of SC, supply, distribution, risk management, development and/or the use of decision support tool… More
Her research interests are focused on the issues of modelling and designing effective transport and logistics networks and systems for servicing production companies and methods and tools supporting the planning and organization of transport with the use of heuristic algorithms based on evolutionar… More
Ergonomics of transport systems. Ergonomic diagnosis, modeling and simulation of human-machine systems, design of innovative public transport systems, human factors in automated transport systems, accessibility of transport means for people with special needs (universal design) More
Research in the field of rail infrastructure. Diagnostics of track surface elements. Simulation and experimental studies of the railway track. Experimental and simulation tests of friction pairs of railway brake. More
1. Capacity of airspace, airports, ground handliig systems at airports. 2. Air traffic safety. 3. Civil aviation security, security screening systems. 4. Aerodrome traffic operations. 5. Air traffic organization. 6. Human factor in air transport. 7. Artificial intelligence in air transport. 8. Envi… More
Research on dynamic effects caused by the operation of means of transport. The influence of vibrations and noise on the human body. Operation of means of transportation. Parasseismic vibrations (propagated through the ground). The impact of vibrations on engineering structures and people staying… More
Integrated spatial planning of urban problem areas (degraded) of modern metropolises, the Warsaw Metropolitan Area case study: in particular in terms of sustainable management of soil resources as a key element of urban land and water ecosystems, including: - improvement of soil functions using, i… More
Applications of mathematics in transport. Modelling of transport systems and processes. Location issues. More
Application of micro and nanoadditives in building materials and their influence on mechanical and thermal properties;thermal measurements of modified building materials;computer simulation of innovative building materials using micro and nanoadditives More
Methodology of monitoring the implementation of adaptation plans for climate change in the urban using remote sensing techniques More
Designing, modeling, and optimizing logistics systems emphasize warehouse infrastructure, cross-docking, transshipment, and industrial facilities. Storage and internal transport technology, automatic material handling systems, and order-picking systems. Optimization of logistics and transportation … More
dynamika pojazdów, dynamika układów dyskretnych, modelowanie i analiza w ujęciu numerycznym, modelowanie i analiza przejść tor prosty - łuk kołowy, transport kolejowy, transport, modelowanie More
eksploatacja pojazdów, trakcja elektryczna, transport, pojazdy szynowe, badanie ruchu, modelowanie More
My research subject is an influence of steel pipelines wall losses resulted from electrochemical corrosion caused in service period, detected with diagnostic tools, on the failure probability of gas transmission pipeline. The structural reliability of underground pipeline calculated in long time op… More
The research area will concern the use of various data sources in the process of creating multi-dimensional 3D cadastres. In many countries, in order to meet the implementation of investments in the so-called"" layered ""systems, multi-dimensional cadastres are implemented. They provide the possibi… More
Safety of motor vehicles and their work environment. Assessment of the impact of technical and structural parameters on the motion and dynamics of motor vehicles. Modeling and research of motor vehicle motion and dynamics. Recognition of road accidents, assessment of the causes and effects of ro… More
Modeling of systems and processes and multi-criteria decision support in transport and logistics covering the following areas and issues: traffic models, models of transport systems development, multi-criteria optimization and evolution algorithms in solving transport problems, traffic analysis, ec… More
optimization of transport and logistics systems More
Modeling of transport, logistics and production systems and processes: analytical and simulation methods, digital twins. Application of pseudo-random number generators in logistics and production processes and providing sensitivity analyses of selected parameters of logistics facilities operation i… More
Zagadnienia z zakresu transportu drogowego oraz szerzej systemów logistycznych dotyczące technologii przewozowych (w tym ładunków specjalnych), organizacji przewozów drogowych, problematyki doboru finansowania oraz kompozycji flot samochodowych, optymalizacji systemów przewozowych, modelowani… More
Design of logistic facilities (warehouses, logistic and distribution centres, transshipment terminals, intermodal terminals, industrial plants, etc.); shaping, optimization, rationalization, streamlining, modelling of logistic processes, internal transport and storage processes; implementation and … More
Dynamics of rail and road vehicles from the point of view of active and passive safety. The interaction of vehicles with the environment in terms of the generated contact and aerodynamic forces. Assessment of vibro-acoustic phenomena influencing the comfort of passengers and the general vibro-acous… More
Badania i modelowanie zjawisk dynamicznych układu pojazd szynowy - tor. Badania stateczności ruchu pojazdów szynowych. More
dynamika maszyn, dynamika technicznych środków transportu, pojazdy szynowe, bezpieczeństwo, transport, komfort, drgania More
eksploatacja i niezawodność systemów transportowych i telekomunikacyjnych, teleinformatyka, ITS, bezpieczeństwo, telematyka, transport More
The research area concerns the application of advanced numerical simulations in geotechnics, hydraulic engineering and environmental engineering, assessment of the technical condition of structures, including with the use of modern measurement methods, e.g. laser scanning, thermomonitoring, fibre o… More
Lighting of means of transport and transport infrastructure. Modeling and simulation of optical-lighting systems. Design of innovative lighting systems of the public transport infrastructure. Energy efficiency of lighting. Light pollution. Impact of lighting on humans. Studies of the state of the m… More
Processing of SAR radar images with particular emphasis on the phenomenon of radar speckle. Research in this area can be conducted in two main directions. The first is the study of the possibility of using selected image processing methods to remove speckle: an analysis of the effectiveness of the … More
The use of SAR radar images in land use/land cover classification in selected fields, including: topographic objects, built-up areas, farmlands, etc. The analysis of the suitability of selected types of SAR data in terms of e.g. spatial resolution and polarization. Investigation of the possibility … More
The use of machine learning in the analysis and processing of remote sensing data, mainly optical and radar. In particular, the application of deep machine learning and transfer learning in selected areas related to computer vision. The main applications of the described processing and analysis are… More
Using deep machine learning to segment and classify landforms on Mars. The research will use satellite imagery and imagery from different generations of Mars rovers. The result of the work will be the development of a methodology for multi-resolution classification of geomorphological formations on… More
modeling of transport systems and processes, designing intermodal terminals, optimization of transport and handling processes in intermodal terminals, simulation studies of logistics processes and facilities More
Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) allow for the determination of point positions with a high accuracy (millimeter level) on the basis of measured distances to satellites. Since 25 years GNSS has been used to fulfill the basic needs of satellite geodesy, e.g., realization of terrestrial ref… More
eksploatacja i diagnostyka systemów transportowych, informatyka i telekomunikacja w sieciach i systemach, teleinformatyka More
Modeling and research of working and accompanying processes taking place in vehicles; in particular, vehicle motion and dynamics. Safety of technical means of transport and their work environment. Assessment of the impact of technical and structural parameters on the motion and dynamics of road v… More
Poland has a rich collection of photogrammetric archival aerial photos taken with specialized film cameras. Modern methods of digital photogrammetry offer new possibilities for the measurement study of such photos. However, it encounters problems related to the lack of camera calibration certificat… More

Resistance to failure due to seepage and deformation due to seepage of man-made and natural soils, homogeneous and layered soils; material susceptibility conditions, hydraulic load conditions and critical stress conditions of soil deformation due to seepage occurrence (suffusion/suffusion, erosi… More

Stateczność dwuteowych prętów stalowych ściskanych i zginanych w ujęciu metody ogólnej.Współczesne metody projektowania konstrukcji stalowych ukierunkowane są na zbliżenie analitycznych modeli obliczeniowych do rzeczywistości. Jednym z kierunków badań jest opracowanie… More

Stability, I and H-sections, steel members in compression and bending. Modern methods of steel structures design are aimed at bringing analytical computational models closer to reality. One of the research directions is the development of the so-called general method, in which the criterion of t… More

Optimal design of engineering structures. 
Theory and computational algorithms


Optymalne projektowanie konstrukcji inżynierskich. Podstawy teoretyczne i metody numeryczne




1.  Szeroko rozumiane zagadnienia modelowania konstytutywnego metali, kompozytów ze zbrojeniem, murów, elastomerów i materiałów drogowych w zakresie ich właściwości sprężystych, lepkich i plastycznych. Wszystkie z wypracowanych zagadnień szczegółowych łącz… More

1. Broadly understood issues of constitutive modeling of metals, composites with reinforcement, masonry, elastomers and road materials in terms of their elastic, viscous and plastic properties. All of the developed detailed issues combine the proposed constitutive models with their practical exp… More

Technologia materiałów i nawierzchni drogowych, zrównoważone budownictwo drogowe, tecnhologia budowy dróg, eksploatacja dróg, remonty i utrzymanie


Road materials and technology, sustainable pavements, road maintanance


Technologia i organizacja robót budowlanych, istnieje możliwość skoncentrowania się w większym stopniu na aspektach technologicznych lub organizacyjnych


Technology and organization of construction works, it is possible to focus more on technological or organizational aspects


Budownictwo podziemne – analiza badawcza i modelowanie numeryczne budowli podziemnych i zagadnień geotechnicznych (głębokich wykopów, tuneli, stateczności zboczy, itp.). Projektowanie obudów głębokich wykopów, analiza wpływu realizacji głębokich wykopów na otocz… More

Underground structures - numerical modeling, analysis of underground structures and geotechnical problems (deep excavations, tunnels, slope stability, etc.). Design of deep excavation walls and supporting systems, analysis of the impact of deep excavations on surrounding structures.


1. Stateczność i dynamika konstrukcji w zakresie liniowym i nieliniowym (np. wyznaczanie scieżek równowagi, badanie punktów krytycznych stateczności i pokrytycznego zachowania konstrukcji, analiza zwichrzenia belek, ...); 
2. Optymalizacja kształtu i topologii konstrukc… More

1. System oceny efektywności dybli FRP w połączeniach płyt nawierzchni sztywnych
2. Modelowanie konstytutywnych właściwości materiałów z uwzględnieniem ich składu oraz struktury w skali mikro i mezo


1. Improvement of structural models for performance assessment of concrete pavement with FRP dowel
2. Modeling of the constitutive properties of materials taking into account the composition and the structure within micro- and mesoscale


1. Planowanie i harmonogramowanie przedsięwzięć budowlanych w warunkach niepewności (planowanie przedsięwzięć budowlanych najczęściej jest realizowane w środowisku o wysokim poziomie niepewności i parametry planistyczne są zakłócane w skutek wpływu różnych czynników zewnętrz… More

1. Planning and scheduling of construction projects under conditions of uncertainty (planning of construction projects is most often carried out in an environment with a high level of uncertainty and planning parameters are disturbed as a result of the influence of various external and internal … More

- sustainability issues in the construction industry - carbon footprint of building materials, facilities and equipment, environmental certification systems, circ… More

Dynamic calculations of energy demand, thermal comfort and indoor air quality parameters in buildings
Adapting buildings to climate change
Life cycle cost and emissions analysis for new buildings and buildings undergoing renovation
Thermal protection measurements for buildin… More