Doctoral Schools WUT

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# Obszar badawczy
Startups are innovative, ambitious, and hyper-scalable organizations, often using advanced digital technologies. The work consists of designing and conducting quantitative and/or qualitative research on selected issues related to the formation and development of this form of organization or coopera… More
machine learning and artificial intelligence; autonomous systems; ML architectures, MLOps More
Production management, process management, organizational maturity models, the impact of Industry 4.0 technology on production management concepts More
Integration of systems supporting management of projects and project-based organizations, including construction companies More
risk management, business continuity, knowledge management, strategic management, digitalization strategy, methodology of management sciences More

Modeling of decision-making processes in business and non-business organizations, identification of determinants in decision-making processes, enhancement and optimization of decision-making processes

Management problems in the healthcare sector - The subject of the doctoral seminar covers the issues of various aspects of management in healthcare entities as well as in the entire healthcare sector. Examples of issues: Financial management in healthcare entities; Human resource management in hea… More
Strategic management, enterprise strategies, enterprise competitiveness and resilience More
household budget management; company marketing management More
the impact of artificial intelligence technology on the digital transformation of an organization; machine learning / deep learning / neural networks as a tool for transforming business processes; creating value in technological value chains; artificial intelligence in managing the growth and devel… More

The growing importance of projects in modern enterprises is accompanied by an increasing need for methods and tools supporting decisions. Computational technologies related to artificial intelligence methods, such as neural networks, fuzzy logic, and hybrid systems, are noteworthy.

1. Zebranie informacji nt.: Kryteriów oceny jakości eksploatacyjnej taboru w tym: Trwałość, Niezawodności działania, Naprawialności, Ekonomiczności; 2. Istnieje możliwość opracowania metody pozwalającej na porównanie RP z UE poprzez Kryteria optymalizacji okresu eksploatacji taboru, w tym op… More
1. Zebranie informacji nt.: Nowych rozwiązań stosowanych w przemysle spożywczym. 2. Przeprowadzenie badań porównawczych (kontrolnych, ocenowych i poznawczych) umożliwiających porównanie firm RP z UE. 3. Wyznaczenie kierunku dalszego rozwoju                                                           … More
1. Zebranie informacji nt.: Nowych rozwiązań stosowanych w logistyce. 2. Przeprowadzenie badań porównawczych (kontrolnych, ocenowych i poznawczych) umożliwiających porównanie logistyki w RP z UE. 3. Wyznaczenie kierunku dalszego rozwoju logistyki na rynku krajowym; More

business process management, process and project management, digitization of processes, process leadership, integrated business process mangement


Management of non-profit organization, strategic management, leadership


 Industry 4.0, Intelligent Organization, Human Capital Management, Knowledge Worker, Digital Transformation


Mathematical models, econometrics, data analysis, wavelets theory


Human resourcec management, Development of managerial skills, Problems of the modern labour market


Quality management, enterprise management, stakeholder relationship management, consumer protection, organizational culture, corporate social responsibility


Controlling, rachunkowość, zarządzanie gospodarką leśną, zarządzanie środowiskiem


Technology acceptance assessment, statistical data analysis, structural equation modeling, management problems in health care, social aspects on smart cities, hydrogen technologies, project management


The primary focus of the research is on sustainable development and environmental management. A substantial portion of the work is dedicated to exploring social responsibility within the context of corporate governance and entrepreneurship. Another significant area of investigation pertains to o… More