Doctoral Schools WUT

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Phd Agnieszka Magdalena Skala-Gosk
Wydział Zarządzania
NT 133, konsultacje uzgadniane mailowo
Base of Knowledge WUT :
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Subwencja: 0/5     Spoza subwencji: 0/3

Wykaz obszarów badawczych:

# Research Area Dziedzina naukowa
1 Startups are innovative, ambitious, and hyper-scalable organizations, often using advanced digital technologies. The work consists of designing and conducting quantitative and/or qualitative research on selected issues related to the formation and development of this form of organization or cooperation of startups with other organizations, for example, innovative business models, sources of funding for startups, the collaboration of startups with the environment (e.g., universities, corporations), ecosystems of innovative entrepreneurship, innovation management methods, and others. The paper should produce original research material and its elaboration in the context of current problems discussed by scholars. Management and Quality Studies