Doctoral Schools WUT

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Wykaz obszarów badawczych związanych z tagiem Nanoparticles:

# Obszar badawczy Dziedzina naukowa
1 The main research areas of prof. Tomasz Ciach cover all issues related to medical biotechnology, in particular: drug delivery systems, nanoparticles for controlled drug delivery, nanoparticles for medical diagnostics, bone implants obtained by 3D printing methods, ceramic nanoparticles for bone implants, biodegradable polymers, blood vessel prostheses, advanced coatings for implants and medical devices such as vascular and urological catheters as well as vascular prostheses or heart prostheses. Cosmetics based on scientific knowledge - cosmeceuticals. Doctorates often end with product development for industry or the establishment of a spinoff company by a PhD student: NanoVelos, NanoThea, NanoSanguis, Science4Beauty ...

The use of electrospun materials in the construction of modern bioanalytical tools - Electrospinning is a modern technique for producing polymeric mats (both from natural and synthetic polymers) with an expanded surface area and high porosity. The method also makes it possible to produce composite structures enriched with nanoparticles, which boosts their range of applications by giving them new properties. Such mats can be utilized in bulk technologies (catalytic processes or wastewater treatment) or for more sophisticated biomedical or bioanalytical applications. Their numerous unique features also allow their use in the construction of biosensors and biotesters as transducer modifiers, as well as layers in/on which the most important receptors, from the point of view of these bioanalytical devices, are immobilized.