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Wykaz obszarów badawczych związanych z tagiem Kinazy-białkowe:

# Obszar badawczy Dziedzina naukowa

My research focuses on determining the anticancer potential of various active compounds. In particular, the research is concerned with determining the cytotoxicity of potential drugs against various cancer and normal lines, determining the type of cell death (apoptosis, autophagy) and activation of selected signaling pathways in the cell. Most of the ongoing research involves inhibitors of protein kinases CK2 and PIM and their use in leukemia and breast cancer therapy. Ongoing research also includes determining synergistic interactions of selected protein kinase inhibitors together with classical cytostatics. Recent research includes the use of human exosomes to improve the efficacy of selected CK2 inhibitors on cancer cells. Methods he specializes in include MTT assay (determination of IC50 values, combination indices (CI), dose reduction index (DRI)), flow cytometry methods, immunodetection (western blot), immunofluorescence (fluorescence, confocal microscopy).