Doctoral Schools WUT

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# Supervisor Doktoranci
z subwencji
Doktoranci spoza subwencji Faculty
326 Leonowicz Marcin , prof. 4/5 0/3 Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering
327 Leś Tomasz Krzysztof , Ph.D., D.Sc. 0/5 0/3 Faculty of Electrical Engineering
328 Lesiak Piotr , Ph.D., D.Sc. 2/5 0/3 Faculty of Physics
329 Lewandowska Małgorzata Anna , prof. 3/5 1/3 Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering
330 Lewandowski Janusz , prof. 1/5 1/3 Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering
331 Lewandowski Mirosław , Ph.D., D.Sc. 0/5 0/3 Faculty of Electrical Engineering
332 Lewczuk Konrad , Ph.D., D.Sc. 0/5 1/3 Faculty of Transport
333 Lewenstein Krzysztof , prof. 0/5 0/3 Faculty of Mechatronics
334 Lewiński Janusz Zbigniew , prof. 4/5 1/3 Faculty of Chemistry
335 Lewiński Tomasz , prof. 0/5 0/3 Faculty of Civil Engineering
336 Lichota Piotr , Ph.D., D.Sc. 0/5 0/3 Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering
337 Liwosz Tomasz , Ph.D., D.Sc. 0/5 0/3 Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography
338 Łobiński Ryszard , prof. 0/5 0/3 Faculty of Chemistry
339 Łobocki Lech , prof. 0/5 0/3 Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering
340 Loga Małgorzata , Ph.D., D.Sc. 2/5 0/3 Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering
341 Lonc Zbigniew , prof. 1/5 0/3 Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science
342 Lozia Zbigniew , prof. 0/5 1/3 Faculty of Transport
343 Lubacz Józef , prof. 0/5 0/3 Faculty of Administration and Social Sciences
344 Łuczak Sergiusz , Ph.D., D.Sc. 1/5 0/3 Faculty of Mechatronics
345 Łukasiak Lidia , Ph.D., D.Sc. 0/5 0/3 Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology
346 Łukowska-Chojnacka Edyta Sylwia , Ph.D., D.Sc. 0/5 2/3 Faculty of Chemistry
347 Łukowski Paweł , prof. 0/5 0/3 Faculty of Civil Engineering
348 Luliński Sergiusz Mariusz , prof. 2/5 1/3 Faculty of Chemistry
349 Machowska Agnieszka , Ph.D., D.Sc. 0/5 0/3 Faculty of Building Services, Hydro and Environmental Engineering
350 Machowski Jan , prof. 0/5 0/3 Faculty of Electrical Engineering