Doctoral Schools WUT

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prof. Marianna Jacyna
Faculty of Transport
Gmach Nowej Kreślarni (Wydział Transportu), 104, termin konsultacji ustalany indywidualnie
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Subwencja: 1/5     Spoza subwencji: 0/3

Wykaz obszarów badawczych:

# Research Area Dziedzina naukowa
1 Modeling of systems and processes and multi-criteria decision support in transport and logistics covering the following areas and issues: traffic models, models of transport systems development, multi-criteria optimization and evolution algorithms in solving transport problems, traffic analysis, ecology and sustainable development of transport. The research concerns the decision-making problems of rail, road, urban transport, air transport, and city logistics. Supervisor of 18 doctors and over 200 masters, engineers, and bachelor's degrees. Manager, coordinator, or main contractor of several dozen research and industry projects. Civil Engineering, Geodesy and Transport