Doctoral Schools WUT

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Wykaz obszarów badawczych związanych z tagiem Sieci-komputerowe:

# Obszar badawczy Dziedzina naukowa
1 Methods of analysis and optimisation of intelligent complex systems SoS (System-of-Systems) – autonomous interacting technology-intensive systems, communicating and interacting with the environment, involved in real-time decision-making. The primary subject of research are network systems – computer networks, mobile networks, sensor networks (potentially utility networks as well), and systems providing services and applications in those networks – in particular, 5G and Internet of Things services. Research covers problems of design, management and real-time control of systems related to structure optimisation, resource allocation, job scheduling, etc. Analysed are issues of stochastic behaviour, uncertainty, and performance, reliability, robustness and efficiency criteria. Developed are algorithms based on mathematical programming (combinatorial optimization and graph algorithms, in particular), queueing theory, machine learning, data analysis, process simulation), embedded into on-line and off-line system software.