Doctoral Schools WUT

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Wykaz obszarów badawczych związanych z tagiem Adsorpcja-protein-i-mikroorganizmow:

# Obszar badawczy Dziedzina naukowa
1 ANTIFOULING MATERIALS Biofouling is a process of accumulation of biological matter and growth of microorganisms, and higher organisms on surfaces. The phenomenon is present at any surface immersed in an aquatic environment, in any biological ecosystem, and, in the case of synthetic surfaces, it frequently leads to economic and healthcare consequences. Fouling is a recognized problem for biomedical applications, water treatment processes, and in the maritime industries. In BioMat team we investigate polymeric coatings to suppress biofouling and to understand the process at the molecular level. We develop thing polymeric films using various compositions, with aim to reduce adhesion of molecules and organism to surfaces, or to achieve self-cleaning properties.