Doctoral Schools WUT

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Ph.D., D.Sc. Marek Królikowski
Faculty of Chemistry
Gmach Chemii, pokoj 148, piętro 1, termin konsultacji: poniedziałek 10.00 -12.00
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# Research Area Dziedzina naukowa
1 My team is involved in research on Phase Change Materials (PCM). PCM are substances or mixtures which, as a result of phase transitions (solid – liquid, solid – solid, vapor-liquid) maintain a constant temperature while they take or give away the so-called latent heat. PCMs can have different applications, i.e. storing solar energy, insulating buildings and recycling waste heat. The most effective PCM should meet the following criteria: 1) Demonstrate an appropriate phase transition temperature to meet practical application. 2) The greatest possible melting enthalpy to ensure a high heat storage capacity. 3) High thermal conductivity to achieve heat transfer as soon as possible. 4) They should be non-toxic and non-flammable to ensure safety. 6) Have a low price. As part of my research, I develop PCM materials in the form of a composite, which, after optimization, will meet the above assumptions as much as possible. Chemical-Sciences
2 As part of my scientific research, the desulfurization of fuels using Ionic Liquids, ILs and Deep Eutectic Solvents, DES is my challenge. Deep desulfurization of liquid fuels is an important and difficult problem in the global refining industry and is a challenge for many scientific laboratories around the world. A strong reduction in standards for the release of SOx oxides into the atmosphere is associated with the introduction of new standards regarding the sulfur content of fuels; in the USA since 2010 it is a maximum of 15 ppm and in Europe it is 10 ppm since 2009. I carry out desulfurization processes – EDS and desulfurization with oxidation – ODS in order to design an ecological and economically viable technology using a new class of solvents. Chemical-Sciences
3 Recently, a new generation of compounds – Ionic liquids (ILs) – has been of particular interest from the point of view of applied research. They are defined as compounds that have a melting point below 100oC. Ionic liquids are made up of a large organic, often asymmetrical cation and a smaller organic or inorganic anion. Extremely low volatility and a number of unique properties of ionic liquids, i.e. low vapor pressure, non-flammability, high thermal and chemical stability, high heat capacity, the wide temperature range for the liquid state and total or partial miscibility in water and other organic solvents make them extremely attractive from the point of view of research and application in future technologies. My team deals with the synthesis, purification, quantitative analysis, physicochemical measurements and the use of ionic liquids in modern technologies. Chemical-Sciences