Doctoral Schools WUT

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Ph.D., D.Sc. Mariusz Daniel Pietrzak
Faculty of Chemistry
Dane kontaktowe:
Gmach chemii, pokoj nr 3, poniedziałki 14:00-16:00 oraz Teams w umowionych wcześniej terminach
Repozytorium PW:

Wykaz obszarów badawczych:

Obszar badawczy Dziedzina naukowa
Synthesis, studies on properties and application of nanoparticles in the construction of biotests and biosensors - the research will involve synthesizing hybrid nanoparticles with the desired magnetic, optical and catalytic properties, which after surface modification with selected receptors (antibodies, oligonuclotides or others) will be used in the development of modern bioanalytical tools for determination of clinically significant disease biomarkers.