Doctoral Schools WUT

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Wykaz obszarów badawczych związanych z tagiem Optymalizacja-korzyści-ekonomicznych:

# Obszar badawczy Dziedzina naukowa

Distributed and prosumer-centered energy systems create conditions for local cooperation between producers and consumers. As a result, local market technical and business models are emerging, e.g., clusters and energy cooperatives. The proposed research field covers the design of market mechanisms, including the selection of winners (Winner Determination Problem) and the allocation of economic benefits (pricing). An essential element may be the role of local markets in the operation of the larger energy system, particularly in the provision of flexibility services. Modeling tools relate to multi-agent systems, optimization taking into account the criterion of fairness, and computer systems supporting market mechanisms. The scope includes examining the properties of individual concepts of local markets, identifying their imperfections, and proposing new mechanisms addressing the identified problems.


The prevailing solutions used in the practice of the operation of power systems are narrowed to the central balancing mechanisms. The proposed research field is about breaking this paradigm and considering a distributed balancing system involving multiple agents with different, sometimes conflicting goals. The topic is of key importance in the light of the ongoing changes, the increase in the number of distributed energy resources and, consequently, the introduction of rigidity in the system, the emergence of new customers and producers (e.g., electric cars), as well as the processes of democratization of the energy sector. The research topic includes the recognition of existing concepts of distributed balancing mechanisms, critical analysis (including evaluation methodology), and the proposal and research of new balancing mechanisms. The issue is multidisciplinary. It touches on economic elements (maximization of economic benefits) but also social factors (fair distribution of balancing costs) and contains technological potential (e.g., blockchain as a potential solution).