Doctoral Schools WUT

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Wykaz obszarów badawczych związanych z tagiem Fluorescencja-dwuwymiarowa:

# Obszar badawczy Dziedzina naukowa
1 Spectroscopic ""fingerprints"" of cells – acquisition and numerical analysis. Thanks to their uniqueness, fingerprints are one of the basic biometric features used to identify people. Identification techniques in chemistry can also rely on the recognition of ""patterns"" - that is, signal patterns that are unique to a given sample. Two-dimensional fluorescence (2DF) is one of the identification techniques that has gained popularity in recent years. The 2DF spectrum encodes information on all fluorescent substances present in the sample (e.g. amino acids, oligopeptides, structural proteins, enzymes, vitamins, lipids, porphyrins). Information hidden in such a ""fingerprint"" has to be decoded by numerical processing, often involving machine learning methods. In the frame of the proposed doctorate we plan to use two-dimensional fluorescence to create ""fingerprints"" of cell cultures that will serve for the recognition of the overall cellular response to various physical and / or chemical stimuli.