Doctoral Schools WUT

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prof. Zbigniew Włodzimierz Brzózka
Faculty of Chemistry
Gmach Chemii, pokoj 16, poniedziałki 11-12
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# Research Area Dziedzina naukowa

The current research interests focus on miniaturized analytical systems (Lab-on-a-Chip) for monitoring of bioanalytes. Emphasis is now also being laid on the development of polymeric chips for human cell culture (Cell-on-a-Chip) in unique, in vivo-mimicking microenvironment where studies of cellular growth and responses to external factors are conducted for drug screening and toxicology applications. The use of new tools and research conducted on multicellular spheroids (cancer tumor model) will help to broaden existing knowledge of biology, biochemistry and cellular engineering. Developed Cell-on-a-chip microsystems are useful bioanalytical tools platforms used to develop an individual therapeutic plan (drug selection, dose and frequency of administration) for the treatment of i.a. cancers. Such a device allows you to perform tests on cells taken from the patient and can be used in personalized medicine based on theranostic approach, where it is important to give the appropriate drug, at the optimal dose, to the right person at the right time.


The topic of work will be the development of a biochemical microsystem for the analysis of a complex profile of hormone secretion (hormonal fingerprints) using various analytical methods. Analysis of the profile of hormones secreted by the pancreas is of great importance in the diagnosis and development of new therapies against pancreatic diseases (including cancer). Previous research on the pancreas has focused on the simultaneous analysis of two secreted hormones (most commonly insulin and glucagon). Diagnosis of pancreatic diseases is still a challenge and accurate diagnostic methods and high-performance tools are urgently needed, which can be easily integrated into existing screening methods. The work will be based on the search for new disease markers and the development of a diagnostic device for their analysis in complex biological samples


Interactions between organs are essential to ensure proper physiological functioning of the human body. Understanding these interactions is particular in the new drugs design. An ""organ on a chip"" is a microfluidic system in which you can model the environment and intercellular interactions that occur in a specific tissue or organ. Current methods of assessing the effectiveness of medicines are based on a study of their effects on individual/target organ models, disregarding their effects on models of other organs. The work will include design a novel integrative approach for inter-organ communication research, the aim of which will be to better understand the phenomena associated with it, namely: inter-organism communication under ""healthy"" conditions and the evaluation of the toxicity of selected drugs to target and adjacent organs.
