Doctoral Schools WUT

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Ph.D., D.Sc. Wojciech Zabołotny
Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology
Gmach Elektroniki, pok.225, poniedziałek: 14:00-15:00; piątek: 12:00 -13:00
Base of Knowledge WUT :
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Subwencja: 0/5     Spoza subwencji: 0/3

Wykaz obszarów badawczych:

# Research Area Dziedzina naukowa
1 The main research area is the design, modeling, and implementation of data acquisition, processing, and control systems for biomedical applications and physics experiments. Particular emphasis is put on solutions based on programmable logic and embedded systems. This broad research area includes such specific issues as (among others): - application of high-level synthesis for implementation of digital systems, especially computing accelerators, - development of methods for the description, simulation, and verification of complex hardware/software systems, - optimization of data processing in programmable logic systems, - development of fast communication protocols for distributed data acquisition and control systems. The works conducted are used in cooperation with leading centers dealing with high energy physics (CERN, GSI / FAIR) and plasma physics (JET, ITER). Automation, Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Space Technologies