Doctoral Schools WUT

Search Engine for Promoters and Research Areas

prof. Wojciech Artur Wróblewski
Faculty of Chemistry
Gmach Chemii, ul. Noakowskiego 3 (pok. 17), tel. 22 234 56 31
Base of Knowledge WUT :
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Subwencja: 1/5     Spoza subwencji: 0/3

Wykaz obszarów badawczych:

# Research Area Dziedzina naukowa
1 Electrochemical sensors based on novel molecular receptors Chemical sensors are attractive analytical devices, which can deliver real-time and on-line information on the presence of specific compounds in complex samples. Due to their high selectivity, sensitivity and wide spectrum of design solutions, they are competitive tools among analytical control systems. The crucial element of the sensor is a molecular receptor capable of selectively recognizing an analyte, and the coordination abilities of such a ligand determine the performance of the sensor. The aim of the research is to design and construct classic/miniaturized electrochemical sensors using new molecular receptors. The work is related to the synthesis of selective receptors (cooperation with Dr A. Kasprzak, Department of Organic Chemistry), which structure will be carefully tuned in terms of the recognition of analytes, important from the point of view of medical diagnostics or environmental protection. Chemical-Sciences
2 Modern multi-sensor systems (electronic tongue) for the analysis of pharmaceuticals Electronic tongue is a modern device that provide automatic analysis and classification (including identification and quality assessment) of complex samples. Specially selected set of cross-sensitive sensors (sensor matrix) is the main component of an electronic tongue, and their coupling with selected chemometric techniques enables the analysis of multidimensional measurement data. Such systems are used in automatic quality control in the food industry, environmental protection and medical diagnostics. The aim of the research is to develop multisensor systems (electronic tongue) for the analysis of pharmaceutical products, e.g. to assess the effectiveness of masking their bitter taste, to study the kinetics of drug release and to recognize the originality of pharmaceuticals. The design of such devices requires careful selection of cross-sensitive sensors and appropriate methods of pattern recognition. Chemical-Sciences
3 Redox activity of metal-peptide complexes Peptides are essential biomolecules associated with learning and neurodegeneration processes (Aβ peptides), the innate immune response (histatins) and wound healing (a GHK peptide). It should be emphasized that in many cases, the biological activity of such peptides is strongly related to their ability to bind transition metal cations and the redox activity of the formed metal complexes. The research aims to characterize the redox properties of the complexes of peptides with transition metal cations in terms of describing their biological activity and role in many biological processes. Moreover, new peptides and peptide metallocomplexes for pharmacological applications, including therapies for Alzheimer's disease and antimicrobial treatments, are designed. Finally, research on the application of peptide-based complexes as molecular receptors of electrochemical sensors suitable for medical and environmental diagnostics is also conducted. Chemical-Sciences