Doctoral Schools WUT

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Ph.D., D.Sc. Robert Paweł Mroczyński
Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology
Gmach Elektrotechniki (boczna klatka A Wydziału Elektrycznego) przy ul. Koszykowej 75, p. 232A, konsultacje codziennie między 9:00 a 15:00 po kontakcie emailowym
Base of Knowledge WUT :
Limit doktorantów:
Subwencja: 2/5     Spoza subwencji: 1/3

Wykaz obszarów badawczych:

# Research Area Dziedzina naukowa
1 The research area concerns technology, characterization and diagnostics of semiconductor materials, structures and devices, transparent and flexible electronics, photonics, as well as technology of low-dimensional materials and structures. In particular: semiconductor technologies (development, modeling and optimization of materials and test structures and devices), technologies for nanoelectronics, nanophotonics, sensors and bioengineering, technologies for MEMS / MOEMS and IoT design, materials engineering, integrated electronics and photonics, materials engineering. Automation, Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Space Technologies