Doctoral Schools WUT

Search Engine for Promoters and Research Areas

prof. Elżbieta Dagny Ryńska
Faculty of Architecture
Wydział Architektury, p. 105, pon. 13-15.00
Base of Knowledge WUT :
Limit doktorantów:
Subwencja: 2/5     Spoza subwencji: 0/3

Wykaz obszarów badawczych:

# Research Area Dziedzina naukowa
1 Climatic changes and circularity of resources. Innovative cities - influence of architectural, building and circular solutions on efficient design, realisation and environmental use standards. Circularity in Cities focuses on opportunities in three key urban systems - buildings, mobility, and products - and looks at how city governments can work to enable a circular economy transition. In parallel to the urban plan, circular economy principles transform the design of elements within cities. Infrastructure, buildings, and products are designed to be a combination of durable, adaptable, modular, and easy to maintain and repurpose. Nature inspires design. Materials are non-harmful, locally sourced - and from renewable feedstocks. Renewable energy powers cities. Maintain and repurpose. Nature inspires design. Cities run on renewable resources, many areas are autonomous. Architecture and Urban Planning