Doctoral Schools WUT

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prof. Zbigniew Włodzimierz Brzózka
Faculty of Chemistry
Dane kontaktowe:
Gmach Chemii, pokoj 16, poniedziałki 11-12
Repozytorium PW:

Wykaz obszarów badawczych:

Obszar badawczy Dziedzina naukowa

Interactions between organs are essential to ensure proper physiological functioning of the human body. Understanding these interactions is particular in the new drugs design. An ""organ on a chip"" is a microfluidic system in which you can model the environment and intercellular interactions that occur in a specific tissue or organ. Current methods of assessing the effectiveness of medicines are based on a study of their effects on individual/target organ models, disregarding their effects on models of other organs. The work will include design a novel integrative approach for inter-organ communication research, the aim of which will be to better understand the phenomena associated with it, namely: inter-organism communication under ""healthy"" conditions and the evaluation of the toxicity of selected drugs to target and adjacent organs.
