Doctoral Schools WUT

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prof. Krzysztof Jan Jankowski
Faculty of Chemistry
Dane kontaktowe:
Gmach Chemii, Katedra Chemii Analitycznej, pok. 12, tel. 234-1377, środy i czwartki 10-15
Repozytorium PW:

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Obszar badawczy Dziedzina naukowa
Among modern separation/preconcentration techniques used for trace amounts of analytes, those called solventless techniques eg. solid phase microextraction are of particular interest. In a such of separation process, the analyte transport efficiency between the liquid sample phase and the headspace as well as between the liquid or gas phase and the solid phase is essential. The transport efficiency can be substantially improved by placing the sample vial in a microwave field. The separation of trace metals is usually preceded by the analyte conversion into a simple complex or chelate after reaction with a complexing agent or UV-induced radical reaction. Selective separation of fractionation of these metal-organic complexes if only they are volatile or semi-volatile compounds and the effect of microwaves on the formation of these compounds and their interphase transport are the main goals of this research. The analytes can be conveniently detected by microwave induced plasma optical emission spectrometry.